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Welcome to Centered Healing

"Unlock Your Potential,   
  Elevate Your Mind, TransformYour Life" 

From Broken to Empowered: My Journey and Yours


I know the sting of doubt, the ache of broken dreams. You might have heard it too – the scoffs, the laughter, the disbelief in your aspirations. I felt it when I shared my passion for peace psychology, facing a void of support. Time seemed to freeze, questions echoing – “Can I truly make it?”


But laughter didn't define me. It became fuel. Fueled by that doubt, I forged my path, becoming one of the few peace psychologists with a unique blend of expertise: exceptional Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) skills, a deep understanding of spirituality, and the potent guidance of life and mental health coaching.


Life's journey isn't paved with roses. I’ve battled my fair share of challenges – relationships lost and found, traumas faced, insecurities battled, hope threatened. But through it all, I discovered resilience. I learned powerful coping mechanisms, navigated darkness, and emerged stronger.


So, if you feel lost, stuck, or overwhelmed, know this: I've been there. I understand. And I'm here to help you rise.


My foundation lies in behavioral psychology, peace psychology and conflict management. This potent bedrock is further strengthened by my expertise in NLP, life coaching, and mental health coaching. It's a diverse skillset forged in real-life experiences and honed in classrooms – a powerful toolkit I offer to walk alongside you.


Together, we can transform life's curveballs into opportunities. We'll face challenges head-on, turning them into stepping stones for growth and success. I'm not just here to help you find contentment; I'm here to empower you. To refine your decision-making, unlock your motivation, and ignite your journey toward personal, psychological, spiritual, and professional fulfillment.


Your path begins here. Let's walk it together.



How Can I Help

  • Executive Decision Making

  • Mental Health Coaching

  • NLP Integrated Life Coaching

  • NLP Integrated Motivation Strategies

  • Confidence Coaching

  • Conflict Management

  • Positive Mindset Shifting

  • Relationship Coaching

  • Stress Management

  • Achieving Client Defined Goals

  • Meditation and Mindfulness

I conduct personalized one-on-one coaching through private phone calls or virtual meetings. Collaboratively, I work towards defined goals, enhancing clarity, motivation, and understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. I guide you in discovering and comprehending your thoughts and behaviors. I aim to empower you to reach your highest potential, fostering a sense of peace within your mind, soul, and heart. Together, we embark on a journey towards self-discovery and personal excellence. With a holistic and integrative approach, I empower individuals to navigate life's complexities, fostering positive transformations. Through a fusion of academic rigor, global perspectives, and practical coaching expertise. Embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment with me, where the fusion of academic brilliance and compassionate coaching creates a roadmap for a life of purpose, resilience, and inner fulfillment.

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Washington D.C.




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